Seven station surroundings were cleared of rubbish thanks to the involvement of our volunteers on Saturday 16 September. This is the second year that SNCB has taken part in the wonderful global World Cleanup Day initiative. This year, participants' partners and children could also get in on the action.

During World Cleanup Day, colleagues rolled up their sleeves to remove rubbish from the surroundings of seven stations: Waremme, Ciney, Enghien, Tamines, Halle, Bruges and Schaerbeek.

And it was a success! We collected 23 bags of residual rubbish and 21 bags of mixed-use recycling. This means we have created a more pleasant station environment for passengers and employees alike. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to our volunteers for their commitment!

Technics management also contributed to World Cleanup Day. The rubbish was removed from the vicinity of the Schaerbeek, Forest and Melle traction workshop. Cleaner workplaces not only make for more pleasant working environments but also safer ones! Well done!
