Going on a trip this weekend? Enjoy half-price* travel with a Weekend Ticket!

  • outward and return journey possible from Friday (7 p.m.) until Sunday
  • 50%* discount
  • extended validity during some public holidays
  • available in 1st and 2d class
  • to any destination in Belgium

Bank holidays and extended Weekends 2025

  • Christmas: from 24 December (7pm) to 25 December included
  • New Year: from 31 December 2024 (7pm) to 1 January 2025 included
  • Easter: from 18 April (7pm) to 21 April included
  • Labour Day: from 30 April (7pm) to 4 May included
  • Ascension: from 28 May (7pm) to 1 June included
  • Pentecost: from 6 June (7pm) to 9 June included
  • Belgian National Day: from 18 July (7pm) to 21 July included
  • Assumption: from 14 August (7pm) to 17 August included
  • Armistice: from 7 November (7pm) to 11 November included
  • Christmas: from 24 December (7pm) to 28 December included
  • New Year: from 31 December 2025 (7pm) to 4 January 2026 included

Frequently asked questions

Anyone can use a Weekend Ticket. So if you are making a return journey in the weekend, you can use a Weekend Ticket regardless of your age. There are no specific Weekend Tickets for young people, seniors or children.

The Weekend Ticket offers 50% discount compared to the Standard Ticket (its price is calculated according to the distance of your journey). But if you are aged under 26 or over 65, the Weekend Ticket will not necessarily be the cheapest fare. So don't hesitate to compare for your trip!

  • If you are 65 years or over, the Senior Ticket will be more advantageous for longer journeys (as it is a fixed price, regardless of the distance), while the Weekend Ticket may be more advantageous for short distances. Note that on Fridays, the Weekend Ticket is only valid from 7pm (from Monday to Friday, the Senior Ticket is valid from 9am).
  • If you are under 26 years old, the Youth Ticket will be cheaper for longer journeys (as it is a fixed price, regardless of distance), while the Weekend Ticket may be cheaper for short distrances. 
  • Children under 12 years travel for free if they are accompanied by other travellers thanks to the Free4Kids offer (4 free children per traveller). The Kids Ticket (for children travelling alone) is also 50% off (like the Weekend Ticket), but can be used every day and at any time. 

A zone is a number of stations and/or stops grouped in one tariff point.

  • Aalst zone: Aalst, Aalst-Kerrebroek, Erembodegem

  • Antwerp zone: Antwerp-Berchem, Antwerp-Centraal, Antwerp-Dam, Antwerp-Luchtbal, Antwerp-Noorderdokken, Antwerp-Oost, Antwerp-Zuid

  • Bruges zone: Bruges, Bruges-Sint-Pieters

  • Brussels zone (= Zone Brupass): Arcades, Anderlecht, Berchem-Ste-Agathe, Bockstael, Boitsfort, Boondael, Bordet, Brussels-Central, Brussels-Chapelle, Brussels-Congress, Brussels-Luxembourg, Brussels-Midi, Brussels-Nord, Brussels-Ouest, Brussels-Schuman, Delta, Etterbeek, Evere, Forest-Est, Forest-Midi, Germoir, Haren, Haren-Sud, Jette, Meiser, Mérode, Moensberg, Schaerbeek, Simonis, St-Job, Tour et Taxis, Uccle-Calevoet, Uccle-Stalle, Vivier d’Oie, Watermael

  • Brupass XL zone: Anderlecht, Arcades, Beersel, Berchem-Ste-Agathe, Bockstael, Boitsfort, Boondael, Bordet, Brussels-Central, Brussels-Chapelle, Brussels-Congress, Brussels-Luxembourg, Brussels-Midi, Brussels-North, Brussels-West, Brussels-Schuman, Buda, De Hoek, Delta, Diegem, Dilbeek, Etterbeek, Evere, Forest-Est, Forest-Midi, Germoir, Groenendael, Groot-Bijgaarden, Haren, Haren-Sud, Hoeilaart, Holleken, Linkebeek, Lot, Jette, Meiser, Mérode, Moensberg, Nossegem, Ruisbroek, Schaerbeek, Simonis, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Sint-Martens-Bodegem, St-Job, Tour et Taxis, Uccle-Calevoet, Uccle-Stalle, Vilvoorde, Vivier d'Oie, Watermael, Zaventem, Zellik

  • Charleroi zone: Charleroi-Ouest, Charleroi-Sud, Couillet, Lodelinsart, Marchienne-au-Pont, Marchienne-Zone

  • Denderleeuw zone: Denderleeuw, Iddergem, Welle

  • Dendermonde zone: Dendermonde, Sint-Gillis

  • Ghent zone: Drongen, Gentbrugge, Ghent-Dampoort, Ghent-Sint-Pieters, Wondelgem

  • Halle zone: Buizingen, Halle, Lembeek

  • Hasselt zone: Hasselt, Kiewit

  • Huy zone: Huy, Statte

  • Knokke zone: Duinbergen, Heist, Knokke

  • La Louvière zone: Bracquegnies, La Louvière-Centre, La Louvière-Sud

  • Leuven zone: Heverlee, Leuven

  • Liège zone: Angleur, Bressoux, Chênée, Liège-Carré, Liège-Guillemins, Liège-Saint-Lambert, Sclessin

  • Marche zone: Aye, Marche-en-Famenne, Marloie

  • Mechelen zone: Mechelen, Mechelen-Nekkerspoel

  • Mons zone: Mons, Nimy

  • Mouscron zone: Herseaux, Mouscron

  • Namur zone: Flawinne, Jambes, Jambes-Est, Namur, Ronet

  • Verviers zone: Verviers-Central, Verviers-Palais

Mortsel exception:
If the traveller has a ticket (apart from a Local Multi) departing from or arriving at Mortsel, Mortsel-Liersesteenweg or Mortsel-Oude God, they may board or alight the train at one of the other aforementioned stations, with no further formalities.

However, a “Mortsel zone” does not exist and the used ticket therefore does not permit them to travel freely between these stations as they wish.
  • When your departure station and your arrival station are located in 2 different zones:

    You travel between these 2 zones (single ticket: 1 journey; return ticket: 1 outward journey and 1 return journey).
    You can get on and off at any station within these 2 zones during the day for which your ticket is valid.

  • If your departure station and your arrival station are in the same zone:

    You can get on and off at any station within that zone during the day for which your ticket is valid. To travel these routes within the same zone, it is best to choose the Standard Ticket one-way (you do not need to buy a return ticket).
  • Looking for parking close to your station? By presenting your train ticket you can take advantage of an attractive discount on the cost of parking. Information and conditions relating to SNCB parking.

    *Discount only applied to the non-fixed part of the Standard fare. In 2nd class, the fixed amount is € 1,4115, per single journey. In 1st class, it is € 1,8350 (less than 37km) or € 1,9761 (37km - 51km) or € 2,1737 (52km and more) per single journey. The minimum price per single journey is € 2,50 in 2nd and € 3,30 in 1st class.
