Looking for a job? With a ticket for jobseekers you can travel to your job interview at a reduced rate!
- train ticket to a job interview or to a training centre
- get your free train ticket by contacting your VDAB adviser
- Free single or return ticket in 2nd class
- on presentation of certification issued by Actiris (for a specific date and for a specific route to get to the job interview)
- in exchange for a train ticket at the ticket office or in the train (without On-Board Fare)
- between 2 specific Belgian stations
- 75% off 2nd class tickets*
- on presentation of certification issued by Forem (for a specific date and for a specific route to get to the job interview)
- in exchange for a train ticket at the ticket office or in the train (without On-Board Fare)
- between 2 specific Belgian stations
*The discount only applies to the part of the Standard fare over and above the fixed fee, per journey, amounting to € 1.1400 in 2nd class and in 1st class depending on the distance in kilometres applying a varying multiplier (0-36km: € 1.4820; 37-51km : € 1.5960 ; 52-150km : € 1.7556). Otherwise, a minimum price always applies, per journey, of € 2.40 in 2nd class and of € 3.10 in 1st class. The maximum chargeable distance for is 150 km per journey.
- free same-day travel in 2nd class
- certification issued by the Service Pool for Merchant Shipping seamen
- no formalities, your certification is a valid ticket for travel
- between the seaman’s home and the port area of Antwerp