Come to Binche Carnival, from 2 to 4 March 2025

Experience this "festive ritual" which has been recognised by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.During the carnival period, the town of Binche is transformed into a vast stage celebrating the traditions of carnival. Shrove Tuesday, the Day of the Gilles, is the culmination of the three-day festivities. These traditional costumed figures, dressed for the occasion in masks, little bells, clogs and their famous ostrich-feather headdresses, lead the crowd as they dance to the sound of the drums.

More info:

Travel by train? Bright idea!

  • By taking the train to Binche, you opt for a sustainable way of getting straight to the heart of the festivities without the hassle of driving and without having to look for a parking space!
  • On Sunday, you can travel at 50% discount on the return journey with the Weekend Ticket.
  • On Tuesday, an extra train will run in the early evening to make it easier for you to leave.
