When you are on our online sales system, all your transactions are protected and secured thanks to SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. Each time you send confidential information to our server, such as your personal data (surname, first name, address, email address, etc.), the data is encrypted and cannot be viewed by third parties.

We only keep your personal data for the time required to process your order, and to be able to deal with a potential issue relating to the travel ticket that has been purchased.

By answering "Yes" to the question "I wish to be notified of promotional campaigns or special offers", you are authorising us to keep you informed of our current and future range of products and services. Your personal data can then be used for studies and questionnaires that we undertake ourself or that we arrange to be undertaken. In the case of the latter, your personal data may be communicated to third parties.

The persons in question are entitled to access their personal data, and to request that is should be corrected or deleted. They are also entitled to review their decision at any time to receive information from SNCB or to object to their data being sent to our affiliates. Where this is the case, all you have to do is to send a simple letter (address: SNCB, Bureau B-VN.054 (s13/5), Avenue de la Porte de Hal 40, 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium) or an email ([email protected]).

There are 2 types of cookies: temporary cookies and persistent cookies.

  • Temporary cookies:

Think of our online sales system as a dialogue between users and a centralised database. For our database to be able to send a “response” to each of your “requests”, our system uses an entirely harmless, basic form of cookies that are deleted at the end of your session. These cookies allow our database to “recognise” users browsing our website. The cookies are stored in your browser history, but are not installed on the hard drive of your PC.

  • Persistent cookies:

Unlike temporary cookies, persistent cookies are stored on your PC’s hard drive. These cookies are used to simplify any future purchases by automatically entering your email address and personal information (title, first name, surname, street, house number, PO box, post code and area).

The SNCB Customer Service is happy to help you by phone, every day from 7am to 9.30pm on 02 607 30 00.