Price changes are based on the provisions of the public service contract. The recommendation of the passenger Consultation Committee has been incorporated.

The new prices will apply as from 01/02/2024. 

  • The change in the price of section season tickets and student season tickets, whose price change is based in part on the consumer price index, is 5.89 %.
  • The average fare adjustment for the 2nd Class Standard Ticket, whose price is based on distance, is in line with the consumer price index (+5.90%). Fares for other distance-based tickets (Weekend Ticket, Group Ticket, etc.) will therefore rise in line with this fare.

In addition to the price of your ticket, you will have to pay a supplement if:

  • you buy your ticket onboard the train. In this case, the On-board Fare applies (price of ticket + € 9)
  • you are travelling to or from Brussels Airport-Zaventem. In this case, you pay the Brussels Airport Supplement (+ € 5,90/journey) in addition to your ticket
  • you don't yet have a MoBIB card and your season ticket requires you to have one. The cost of creating this card is € 6 (fixed cost) and it is valid for 5 years
The SNCB Customer Service is happy to help you by phone, every day from 7am to 9.30pm on 02 607 30 00.